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Regulation of NOX output follows a similar pattern to that of SOX, with the significant difference that each new regulation applies to new builds only, and not to all vehicles and ships as is the case for SOX regulations. Figure 3 shows the NOX regulations for heavy vehicles within the EU, and the MARPOL regulations for shipping. The EU regulations for cars and other light vehicles are defined in terms of NOX output per kilometre, and thus cannot be directly compared with the marine regulations. The MARPOL regulations show a range of limits, since the limit for an individual engine is dependent on its rated speed in rpm. The marine Tier III limit, shown with a dotted vertical line in Figure 3, applies only within Nitrogen Environmental Control Areas (NECA): the only NECA currently in force is in the North America/Caribbean area, although a Baltic Sea and North Sea NECA is proposed to come into force in 2021 (HELCOM, 2016).
The near surface concentrations of smokestack pollutants as well as their deposition are focused mainly along the major shipping lanes, influencing coastal regions in particular, but pollutants released from smokestacks are also transported over longer distances (e.g. Claremar et al. (2017), Jonson et al. (2015)). Pollutant release into the atmosphere generates a variety of risks to human health, primarily to the respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system (Corbett et al., 2007). Additional consequences include the formation of ground-level ozone, and enhanced eutrophication and acidification of water and soil. Particulate matter also absorbs or reflects radiation: the net effect of emissions from the maritime sector on the global radiation balance is estimated to be negative, resulting in a cooling effect on the global climate (Eyring et al., 2005; Fuglestvedt et al., 2009). Pollutant releases from smokestacks undergo transformations in the atmosphere and are deposited at the surface by dry or wet deposition. Transformation and deposition processes are dependent on turbulence, clouds and precipitation; thus the impact of smokestack release is interlinked with local meteorological conditions and atmospheric transport processes.
In 2008 the EU launched the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), an ambitious plan for efficient protection of the marine environment (EU, 2008a). The ultimate goal of the MSFD is to reach Good Environmental Status of the marine environment. To define Good Environmental Status, 11 descriptors are used, and for each descriptor a set of measurable indicators are identified. The descriptors of greatest relevance for pollutant release from smokestacks and scrubbers are Contaminants (Descriptor 8) and Eutrophication (Descriptor 5).
The member states of the EU are responsible for assessing water quality, and taking measures to improve water quality where necessary. In this context it should be noted that even atmospheric emissions from shipping affect water quality via deposition of smokestack-derived pollutants. Such emissions are regulated, however, by IMO and not by the EU or its member states. As discussed above, the current IMO regulations have been developed with the aim of improving air quality, and do not address the question of water quality. The question of water quality, however, has been brought into focus by the decision of IMO to allow the use of scrubber technology in order to allow ships to comply with the MARPOL VI regulations on SOX emissions while burning high-sulphur fuel. Through discharge of scrubber effluent, this allowance creates the potential for a new source of water pollution that lies outside the control of the EU and its member states. While limits to some components of scrubber effluent are proposed in IMO guidelines that do not have the force of law, other components such as metals can be freely discharged (Figure 1). We discuss below the current situation for the major pollutant groups.
The contributions of shipping to the total emissions of sulphur to the atmosphere are expected to be small in the coming decades with the present IMO regulations (e.g. (Claremar et al., 2017; Jonson et al., 2015). However, the ongoing reductions in terrestrial sources of both SOX and NOX (Omstedt et al., 2015) mean that, without any accompanying regulation of emissions from shipping, one can expect a relatively significant proportion of a smaller total acid deposition into the North Sea and Baltic Sea to originate from shipping smokestack emissions.
Nitrogen oxides include nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), which are emitted from fuel combustion processes. Following oxidation and deposition, these oxides contribute the plant nutrient nitrate to the surface water. Presently, critical loads for eutrophication are exceeded throughout most of the land areas around the Baltic Sea and the North Sea (Gauss et al., 2013), with a significant fraction of the nitrogen depositions originating from shipping (Jonson et al., 2015). Besides adding to acidification and eutrophication in the Baltic Sea and North Sea, nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere, in common with carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds, react in the presence of sunlight forming tropospheric ozone. The MARPOL guidelines for the release of scrubber effluent require that the scrubber takes up no more than 12% of the NOX in the smokestack gases (IMO, 2008b). This provision is intended to limit the discharge of excess nitrate to surface waters, a particular concern in coastal waters suffering from eutrophication. The uptake of NOX in a scrubber depends on the exhaust gas ratio between nitric oxide (NO, poorly soluble in water) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2, which reacts quickly with water to form nitrous and nitric acids). The NOX uptake limit is thus in effect a limit to the proportion of soluble NO2 in the total NOX.
The organic pollutants of greatest concern are PAHs, which are largely associated with small-sized particulate matter. There are few studies of the effect of smokestack emissions on atmospheric PAH concentrations: Contini et al. (2011) reported that shipping contributed 10% of atmospheric PAH in Venice, while Pongpiachan et al. (2015) reported from a study in Thailand that the genotoxicity of atmospheric particles from shipping emissions was higher than for other sources, and was associated with higher PAH concentrations. It has been argued that because most PAHs are particle-bound, scrubbers can play a positive role by reducing the particulate content of the smokestack emissions (IMO, 2006). Both atmospheric deposition and scrubber water discharge can result in the accumulation of particle-bound PAHs in sediments. Studies of PAH composition in coastal and inland water sediments indicate potentially harmful levels at some sites, but source identification based on PAH composition is unable to distinguish shipping from other sources using similar fuels (Hu et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2012; Guo et al., 2013; Sany et al., 2014; Zheng et al., 2015).
Pregnancy results in anatomic and physiologic changes that should be considered when prescribing exercise. The most distinct changes during pregnancy are weight gain and a shift in the point of gravity that results in progressive lordosis. These changes lead to an increase in the forces across joints and the spine during weight-bearing exercise. As a result, more than 60% of all pregnant women experience low back pain 13. Strengthening abdominal and back muscles could minimize this risk. Blood volume, heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output normally increase during pregnancy, and systemic vascular resistance decreases Table 1. These hemodynamic changes establish the circulatory reserve necessary to sustain the pregnant woman and fetus at rest and during exercise. Maintaining a supine position during exercise after 20 weeks of gestation may result in decreased venous return due to aortocaval compression from the gravid uterus, leading to hypotension, and this hemodynamic change should be considered when prescribing exercise modifications in pregnancy 14 15 16. 2ff7e9595c